Testatika 1
Inventée par Paul Baumann de Linden Suisse • Cette machine unique génère environ 3 KWatts de l'énergie. • Invented by Paul Baumann from Linden Switzerland • this unique free energy machine generates about 3 KWatts of free power. It extracts • it probably from light radioactive mountain crytstals in it via electrostatic radiation • excitation and excited raised Beta decay • Paul Bauman, a German engineer, developed a machine referred to as the Testatika and known as the Swiss M-L converter or Thesta-Distatica . The device's operation has been recorded as far back as 1960s at a place called Methernitha (near Berne, Switzerland). The Testatika is an electromagnetic generator based on the 1898 Pidgeon electrostatic machine which includes an inductance circuit, a capacitance circuit, and a thermionic rectification valve. Allegedly a perpetual motion machine, the Testatika resembles in some respects a Wimshurst machine. • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_...