HOW TO MAKE TURKISH COFFEE • Music: Yemen Turkusu - Turkish Folk Song • Arrangement and piano: Elvan A. ULUCINAR • In this episode, I'd like to share with you everything I know about the Turkish coffee, the hot beverage I love the most. Please feel free to share any other suggestions in the comments section below! • Turkish coffee is a method of preparation, not a kind of coffee. It has a foam on top, then coffee and coffee grinds. It calls for an extra fine grind size coffee, then cooks with water and sugar in a pot called cezve. The Turkish word for breakfast (Kahvalti) means 'before/under coffee and to drink it after a meal aids in digestion. While drinking it, what you really need is a company, coffee is just an excuse :) Because Turkish coffee loves a good conversation. • To stay tuned upcoming videos make sure to SUBSCRIBE here: • / @elvancatarifler • • Click to watch: How To Make Turkish Tea • • HOW TO MAKE TURKISH TEA • You can support my Channel with Patreon: • / elvancatarifler • • INGREDIENTS • Turkish coffee pot (cezve) • Turkish coffee cup (fincan) • Turkish coffee • Drinkable bottle water • Sugar cubes (optional) • *Cream or milk is never added to Turkish coffee, and sugar is optional but you can simmer it with milk instead of water. It's been called: Sütlü Türk Kahvesi. • **When asking parents for their blessing, to serve a very salty Turkish coffee to the groom candidate is a tradition. When a man loves a woman, should just drink it. I served it to my brother-in-law Bora :) • DIRECTIONS: • Combine one heaping teaspoon of coffee and one fincan water (or milk) per cup in a cezve. • Turkish coffee has four levels of sweetness and you need to add sugar before cooking. First ask to your guest: How would you like your coffee then add 1/2 sugar cube for a little sweet (az sekerli), 1 1/2 for semi-sweet (orta sekerli) and 2 sugar cubes for sweet (sekerli) coffee. • We like to drink black (sade) coffee so not adding any sugar. • Make sure to beat well before placing cezve on the stove and do not stir again. • The most delicious Turkish coffee is made with ice-cold water and cooked on a very low flame or in hot ashes after a barbecue party. • But to be honest, we usually prepare it over medium heat :) • Make sure to keep an eye on it all the time. You may lower and higher the heat constantly, so you will not get bored while waiting, plus this will create even more foam. • When the foam starts to rise fill the fincan in two batches, simmer for a little while then pour the second batch. • Using a spoon, you can gently spread the foam, so it covers the top completely. • It is traditionally served with a glass of water and Turkish delight if you have on hand. • Another way is, when the foam rises, to transfer it into the fincan with a spoon, then to simmer the coffee and pour slowly into the fincan. • This is a better way, to divide the foam evenly when using more then one fincan. • Or you can boil the coffee for a while, you will loose all the foam appears, but I think the the taste of boiled coffee is amazing! • Don't rush drinking the Turkish coffee and always take very tiny sips, so you have enough time for chatting. • The coffee grinds left in the cup may be used for your fortune reading :) • Place the saucer over the top of the cup to cover it. • Make 3-4 horizontal circles. • Then quickly flip it upside down and give it 3-4 gentle shakes while saying: whatever is my fate, so it shall be read • Let cool completely, now you have more time for chatting. • We have a saying: Don't believe in fortune reading, but don't live fortune reading • Open the cup and begin to interpret the shapes in the cup and the saucer. • Make sure not to give any bad news, then tell whatever you see, you feel. • I see a couple in my fincan and their heads are connected, so I would say: Harmony in a happy couple. • Last but not least, make a wish and flip the saucer once over. If a drop of coffee manages to get till the circle of behind the saucer, it means that your wish will come true :) • READY :) Thank You For Watching! • If you enjoyed the video please subscribe to my channel, leave a like and share your comments below for more recipes.