Panama Hat Care Guide Part 2
Welcome back to our Panama Care guide, Now that you own a Panama hat it’s important to take care of it. In this second part of the guide, we will discuss how to clean your hat, Use a stiffener and use a protector. By cleaning your hat you will make it look clean and also make it look new. Using a stiffener for your hat can help it stay in shape and is also useful when shaping the brim of your hat and want. Lastly using a protector can help protect your hat from certain elements such as Rain. Follow these tips, and it will make your investment last longer and make your hat look brand new • _____________________________________________________________________________________ • The Panama hat is a finely woven hat made out of toquilla palms on Ecuador’s Pacific coast. The finer the weave, the finer the hat. A hat that is considered to be of Ultrafino grade contains at least 600 weaves per square inch and takes about 6 months to make. When the company was started in 2003 the first hat ever sold was an Ultrafino grade Panama Hat. The name Ultrafino had a certain feeling of excitement, uniqueness, and quality. We wanted all of our products to radiate the same feeling of owning an Ultrafino grade hat. And so began Ultrafino Panama Hats. • Ultrafino means ultra-fine in Spanish and it has become the raw definition of the company. Everything we do is aligned to the name. We strive to provide ultra-fine customer service while providing ultra-fine quality hats. • _____________________________________________________________________________________ • OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE ► • HAT CARE PRODUCTS • Stiffener Kit: • Protector Kit: • Cleaning Kit: • Complete Premium Kit: • TOP 3 BEST PANAMA HATS FOR TRAVELLING. • ClearWater: • • Mediterranean: • Portofino Enzo: • *FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! * • INSTAGRAM (@ultrafino) ► / ultrafino • TWITTER (@ultrafinohats) ► / ultrafinohats • FACEBOOK ► / ultrafino • _____________________________________________________________________________________ • MUSIC: • Sunrays by Mixaund | • Music promoted by • #Ultrafino #UltrafinoPanamahat #premiumPanamahat #Panamahatcareguide