SCP1155 Predatory Street Art Object Class Keter Indestructible SCP
Taken from - • Support me - / thevolgun • Join my DISCORD! - / discord • Buy my Merch? - • Item #: SCP-1155 • Object Class: Keter • Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1155 is currently contained in a disused parking lot adjacent to an abandoned shopping centre in the βββ βββββ city metropolitan area. The building is to be marked condemned, and access to both it and the car park should be restricted by Foundation personnel posing as security guards from the βββββββββ ββββ front company. Civilians are to be deterred from entering the site and supplied with Standard Cover Story 47 – “Structural Instability/Sinkhole” if they enquire as to why. SCP-1155 must be kept under constant observation by motion-tracking security cameras. If SCP-1155 is observed to vanish, Mobile Task Force Pi-1 ( City Slickers ) should be notified immediately. Personnel should not routinely attempt to view SCP-1155 directly; observation must be conducted remotely. • Music by Firefox (composed by him especially for this channel, many thanks!) • Artist: / fire-fox-3 • Youtube Channel - / @firefoxomicron • • • #scp #scpfoundation #thevolgun Everything in this video was created by me, used with permission (proof can be provided without question) or it exists in the public domain.