Baal HaSulam Bnei Heichala


Bnei Heichala means the sons of King's Palace, those desiring to reach the Palace of the King. The King's Palace is Bina—the property of bestowal, the force of the Creator, the spiritual. The sons are those who yearn to resemble the King in their properties, to become like Him. Hence, Bnei Heichala are the souls aspiring to attain the state of uniting the King in His Palace. and to do so, they are ready to pass the entire system of corrections, change themselves from the beginning until the end—from the nature in which they were created to the nature of the King, as it is written: Returned the sons of Israel to the height of their God. This is what this song is about. • The lyrics of this song are composed by the Holy Ari, and the melody—by Baal HaSulam. • Rav Michael Laitman PhD - FILM: Melodies of the Upper Worlds -- Part 1 •


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