Blitzed Norman Ohler Book Review
Did you know of the drug use of methamphetamines and cocaine in the Nazi regime? 'Blitzed' by Norman Ohler (a novelist turned semi-historian back again) argues that drug use was rampant in the German military of the 1940's as well as in the highest command (amongst Hitler and his direct subordinates). Ohler interprets historical events by focusing on the personal physician of Hitler, a man named Dr Theodor Morell, and his administration of opiates and meth to the Führer from 1941-1945. • I summarised the book as follows. It's a super book that obviously contains a large amount of research. It might have been slightly sensational but as a whole paints a fair picture of the drug use that was happening during the Nazi regime. It adds a whole other perspective about the Wehrmacht and the state of Adolf Hitler during his final years. I would recommend to read some drier history books first to get a grasp of the 100% historical facts before reading this book as it does take some liberties and dramatizations of certain scenes. • As always, we hope you enjoy, Mere Mortals out! • Timeline: • (0:00) - Synopsis • (2:29) - Meth: One hell of a drug • (5:50) - Interpreting History: The unwinnable battle • (8:30) - Personal Observations • (10:49) - Summary • (12:47) - Pragmatic Takeaway: I'm going to try Meth! • • Connect with Mere Mortals: • Instagram: / meremortalspodcast