π Hangover Sunday Wet Shave Joes Barbershop Chicago Illinois
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=XLFdKZLyfp4
The HangOver Shave Sunday - HairCut Harry experiences a shave at Joe's Barbershop Chicago, Illinois. A community event held monthly during the summer season where a clean shave, food, beer, and live music are a blessing! • http://joesbarbershopchicago.com • Featured Live Band: Bremmer And The No Goods • http://bremerandthenogoods.bandcamp.com/ • ********** • Thank you so much for stopping by and watching! To find out the stories behind our most popular videos, read our blog post ππΌ https://haircutharry.com/our-most-pop... *** • If you are wondering how I came to travel and what got me into visiting barber shops around the world, please check out our blog post: https://www.haircutharry.com/about/ho... • We get asked a lot, so here it is! My current basic camera gear: https://www.haircutharry.com/our-came... • A very special thank you to all of our Patrons for helping us to create our content! • If you enjoy our videos, consider becoming a Patreon supporter! • / haircutharry • ************ • To see more of our ongoing travels, follow our blog: http://www.haircutharry.com. We would love to see you there as well as on social media @HairCutHarry where we share many photos of the places we visit! • I N S T A G R A M: / haircutharry • F A C E B O O K: / haircutharry • T W I T T E R: / haircutharry • P I N T E R E S T: / haircutharry • **********