Chowgarh Man Eating Tigers by Jim Corbett Audiobook English
Representing one of Colonel Jim Corbett's most sustained efforts to bring down man-eaters, the story of the Chowgarh tigers- first published privately in Jungle stories in 1935 and then re-published in The Man-Eaters of Kumaon in 1944 - features incredible details about how the elusive tigers terrorized villagers in the Kumaon district of the Indian Himalayan foothills in the mid to late 1920s. In vintage Corbett style, the writing is unpretentious, devoid of embellishments, and replete with interesting anecdotes about village life in the Himalayas. • Staying with the narrative until the end will reward the listener with possibly the most dramatic finales in all of Corbett's hunts. • Turn off the lights, sit back, close your eyes and enjoy! • #jimcorbett #jimcorbettaudiobook #maneatersofkumaon #tigerhunting #maneatingtiger #audiobook #tigerhuntingstories