ShopBuilt Adjustable Hinge Mortising Jig
Get the step-by-step plans to build this Hinge Mortising Jig here: • This Hinge Mortising Jig was featured on the Woodsmith Shop, E409: Router Jigs Accessories. In this video excerpt, Bryan and Dave walk you through the construction and use of this handy router jig. • One of the make it or break it parts of building a project comes when you install the hardware. A poorly fit hinge not only looks bad, but it can affect how well a door or lid opens and closes. This jig makes cutting a mortise for a hinge almost automatic. It uses the hinge to set the jig for a perfect fit. Then you can just let a trim router do all the work. It can handle hinges as small as 3/4 , or as large as 3 1/8 with just a few quick adjustments. • Subscribe to Woodsmith to receive tips, plans, projects, and techniques both in print, and in video. It’s all at • Follow us at / woodsmithmagazine • / woodsmithshopshow • • #woodworking #woodsmith #woodworkingplans #woodworkingproject #woodworkingtip