Arduino lightning detector with AS3935 lighting module


These days I got a Lighting detector module with an AS3935 chip from the alexpress. I decided to make a complete device for detecting lightning with the help of an Arduino microcontroller and a Nokia 5110 lcd monitor. • The Austriamicrosystems AS3935 is a programmable lightning sensor • chip that can detect the presence and approach of lightning, both cloud-toground and cloud-to-cloud. The module can detect lightning at a distance of up • to 40 km and estimates the distance to the leading edge of the storm in steps • of 16 ranges. It uses a sophisticated on-chip • algorithm to validate the incoming signal and • can distinguish between man-made noise and • lightning. If a valid lightning strike is detected, • the AS3935 will calculate the energy of the • strike, and then perform a statistical estimate • of the distance of the strike . • option=com_content task=view id=138 Itemid=1 from where the main part of the code was copied. I disable the atmospheric pressure section , and add an LED indication. • The device surprisingly good recognizes sparks that are a consequence of human activity such as a cigarette lighter, motor or spark plugs from various switches as you see on video.For now, I simulate a thunder using a pushbutton which is a good option to test the whole device. • I will wait for real lightnings in next period and I will upload new video after some testing. • If you are interested in this area, see the Playlist with all my EMF detectors at: •    • EMF Detectors   • • Thanks for watching


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