Round Barn Restoration
Watch and learn as a historic round barn is restored and its builders and backers tell us all about it. • Joe visits Howard County, Indiana and the Greentown Historic village for this show. • The original 56 foot diameter barn was built in 1909 by Lawrence Armfield after learning of the superiority of round barns from research at. nearby Purdue University. He used lumber harvested from the nearby woods, which led to its durability and longevity. This is the last remaining round barn in Howard County. • Joe talks with Dale Armfield, grandson of Lawrence. He sold the farm to the Moyer family who, in turn, donated the barn to Greentown Lions Club to be moved/rebuilt in their Pioneer Village at the Howard County Fairgrounds as part of their 25th anniversary celebration. • Joe interviews all the players in this sizable project as they explain the importance of this project to the community and the historical value to all, including: • Howard County Fair Chairman -Dave Eikenberry • Greentown Lions club - Bryan Kirkpatrick, Denny Maple, Mark Everling and Osrow Prince. • Editor, Greentown Grapevine - Rachel Jenkins • Farmers Bank - Tade Powell • Central Indiana Ethanol - Ryan Smith and Jeff Harts • Howard county Farm Bureau, Inc. - Paul Sapp, Bill Donson and Ron Stite. • Pioneer village Chairman - Bill Johnson • We see amazing footage of the barn construction, interior shots of the intricate roof constructions and hay mow. • Lastly Joe talks to Rick Collins of Trillium Dell Timberworks. He explains their expertise in historic structural carpentry and the kind of projects they work on. He also talks about the challenges on this project in using original materials as well as new ones and making them work together. He states that it takes eight times longer to build a round barn as opposed to a regular one. The original barn would have had extensive scaffolding inside ot support the structure during construction where now they can use lifts. • #roundbarn #howardcountyindiana #howardcountypioneervillage