Video description sea, water beach paint, guide, step by step. • Materials: • You take an ocher, a turquoise, a blue (sky blue), a dark blue (paris blue) and a white. • As tools you have a rag, different brushes (see video). • You can also do this technique as a beginner, because you (necessarily) start very bright. Always let the paint layers dry before applying a coat again. Become more colorful then. The slow color layers / orders give you a feeling for the technique, the handling of the tools and the motif. • The trick with the unwinding of the color by a cloth is shown, you get such great effects. Just try it out. This technique is called winding technique. I know them from the wall painting and often used them in abstract pictures. • This technique is explained again in the other videos. More detailed description Cloud technology: See video: • Himmel Wolken malen,mit Acryl, Lasurt... • Have fun! and best regards, Petra