Stormwater Drainage Design Fundamentals Episode 1 Project Preparation Training Webinar Series
02:01 Introduction to the new webinar series • 04:13 Creating a supertin of the entire finished surface (survey and design) • 07:52 Creating and arranging views for use with the Water Network Editor (WNE) • 11:16 Reviewing the survey and geometric design as it pertains to drainage • 19:33 Setting up your workspace for drainage (Water toolbar and menu) • 22:08 Identifying crests, sags, and overland flow channels • 30:54 Locating required inlets near intersections and other critical places • 35:01 Reviewing and processing all other service and utility strings • 40:44 Reading the Water Model Template, to create a new Water model specifically for drainage design • 46:01 Setting sensible Water string defaults in Project Settings, from an appropriate drainage.4d file • This series of training webinars – Stormwater Drainage Design Fundamentals – covers the basic and intermediate aspects of the Three Waters modules in 12d Model 14, with special emphasis on the design of stormwater drainage. It is presented as a condensed overview of the material normally covered in the first two days of the formal Three Waters training courses (W01 to W06) offered regularly by 12d Solutions. This material is assumed knowledge for many of the more advanced training courses available in the Three Waters suite. • A construction-ready drainage model – including catchments, pits, pipes, culverts, channels and flood extents – is created from scratch in 3D and designed for specified minor and major storm events using the Rational Method. Output plans, long-sections and calculation tables are also produced. • This webinar is Episode 1 of the series: Project Preparation. It details some of the preliminary steps required, before the drainage design can begin in earnest. Not all of these steps are mandatory, but they can certainly help to make the job easier. • Difficulty Level: Basic-Intermediate • For more information, please visit our website or email [email protected]