Gastroesophageal reflux disease I Nbp Unani amp Ayurveda Research Centre


Ayurveda is generally referred to as the “Science of Life” because of the Sanskrit meaning of “Ayu is Life” and “Veda is the science of knowledge”. Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine originated in India more than 3000 years ago. NBP Unani Ayurveda Research Centre’s Ayurveda and Panchkarma treatment is a complete system to live a long healthy life and its natural treatment methods cure many common diseases. Unani Medicine is a model of conventional medicine practiced in Middle- East and South Asian countries. Unani Medicine also spelled Yunani Medicine means “Greek Medicine”, which has been a source of quite a lot of scientific contributions. NBP Unani Ayurveda Research Centre’s the Unani System of Medicine provides treatment of diseases related to all the systems and organs of the human body. • Professional Doctors • Unani Ayurvedic Medicines • Professinal Consultation • 24/7 Support • #ayurvedatreatment #ayurvedatreatments#backpain #nbp #ayurveda #nbpunani #nbpunani ayurvedaresearchcentre #drbinodsharma #drvinodsharma #backpain #musclepain #kneepain #spondylosis #AnkylosingSpondylitis #JointPain #RheumatoidArthritis #neckpain #sexualdebility #infertility #fattyliver #kidneyprostate #piles #fissure #fistula #Acne #pimples #blemishes #darkcircle #skinallergy #Whitepatches #insomnia #stress #anxiety #depression #hairproblem #diabetes #hypertension #stomach #ailments #Sciatica #eczema #chroniccough cold #obesity #underweights #psoriasis #migraine #Asthma #sinustis #neuroproblems #cancer #otherchronicdiseases #kolkatayurveddoctor #indiaayurveda #panchakarma #basti #NBP Unani Ayurveda Research Centre


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