Bonnie Tyler and Lorraine Crosby quotThrough Thick and Thinquot Ill Stand By You
Download the song today to help us be there for young people with cancer through the toughest of times: • Teenage Cancer Trust’s 20th anniversary of sell-out shows at the Royal Albert Hall was cancelled this year due to coronavirus. • The shows were set to raise more than £1 million to support young people with cancer across the UK. • Bonnie Tyler Lorraine Crosby have came together to help raise funds, by donating • 100% of the proceeds of their song, to Teenage Cancer Trust. • Bonnie Tyler Lorraine Crosby • ‘Through Thick And Thin’ (I’ll stand by you) • Download the song today to help us be there for young people through the toughest of times: • Thank you to The Social Co for supporting the creation of this video.