Exploring the Best of Fremantle Perth at Sundown Top Things to Do

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This guided tour takes you around Fremantle from sunset, twilight and into the night... • Have you been to Fremantle? Have you seen the City at sunset, twilight and early hours of the night? What are you #first impressions of Fremantle ? • How to get to Fremantle - If you are travelling to Perth and wanting to check the public transport available then please check https://www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/train.... • If you are staying overnight then recommend to stay at the National Hotel - it is a boutique hotel full of charm, history and character. • How to spend your day/evening in Fremantle? • Our twilight tour of Fremantle kicks off at Fremantle Markets - Established since 1897 and still running as a market today. You can head down to the market in the afternoon for some snacks and coffee - it gets really busy so come in early. Make sure you come before 6PM! For further information please check http://www.fremantlemarkets.com.au • Then head to the Roundhouse to watch beautiful sunset. Fremantle is rich in history and has the oldest building in Western Australia - The Round House.. for further information please visit https://www.fremantleroundhouse.com.au. The Roundhouse is also a perfect place to relax, unwind, take photographs or romantic picnics. • Then we head to the bather's beach house which is also another perfect spot to watch the sunset and have some drinks. For further information please check https://www.bathersbeachhouse.com.au • Have a stroll around the Fishing boat harbour, you will find lots of bars and restaurants here including Cicerello's, Kailis and Little Creatures micro brewery - Most of the restaurants here are open until 10pm. You can also enjoy an early dinner here. You can check out the following bars and restaurants • https://www.cicerellos.com.au - The Home of Fish and Chips • https://kailisfremantle.com - They sell the finest seafood • https://littlecreatures.com.au/agegate/ - very popular with everyone! • And for a romantic evening try going for a ride at the famous Fremantle Tourist Wheel...To see Fremantle at twilight is an experience not to be missed and you will certainly enjoy it! For further information please visit • https://touristwheelfremantle.com.au • And if you are into scary tour then head to the Fremantle Prison - The Fremantle prison offers torch light tours. Explore the darker side of Fremantle Prison's history. The Prison walls echo with stories of loneliness, pain and suffering, of executions gone wrong, of the innocent unjustly imprisoned and the guilty punished. Join our Guides in the dark as they engage you with sordid and ghastly stories.Be warned - these tours are not for the faint hearted. • For further information please check out. https://fremantleprison.com.au/tours/... • And the Tour continues at the renowned Cappuccino Strip located at South Terrace from the corner of Bannister street to Parry Street. The strip at night especially on the weekends becomes the center of entertainment in Fremantle. The location is accessible as it is only 5 minutes walk from the Fremantle train station. Here you will find lots of bars and restaurants which will definitely provide you with an evening to remember. For further information please check https://helloperth.com.au/directories... • The tour ends at Sail and Anchor Pub for drinks and dinner and it is one of the iconic landmarks you will find in Fremantle. It is also locate opposite Fremantle Markets and has a beautiful balcony overlooking the Cappuccino Strip. For further information please visit https://www.sailandanchor.com.au • DISCLAIMER • We acknowledge and respect the privacy and safety of everyone in the video and permission was granted by local business, venues, hotel, and the people that were included in the video. Thank you to the people Fremantle for your support - we could not have done this without you. • The following equipment was used to film the video - • Olympus OMD EM5 Miii • Panasonic GH6 • Zuiko 12-40mm Pro lens f2.8 • Leica 9mm f1.7 • DJI Microphone • DJI RS3 • DJI mini 3 Pro • #perth #perthlife #australiancities #australia #australian #fremantle #westaustralia #westernaustralia #daytrip #vacation #feelgood #feelgoodvideos #perthvideos #tourismaustralia


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