10 Incredible Apple Cider Vinegar Uses in Garden
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=XXqFObAXCwU
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Use Apple Cider Vinegar as a Fertilizer • You can use ACV to fertilize your acid-loving plants like rhododendrons, • azaleas, blueberry, and gardenias. • Use organic, raw, and unfiltered apple vinegar for this purpose as it contains • the pulp, which has the highest amount of nutrients for your plants. • Take a ten-gallon bucket and pour ten ounces of apple cider vinegar (5% concentration) in it. • Fill the rest of the bucket with water and stir thoroughly. • Using a watering can or sprayer, water at the base of the plant. • Avoid watering the leaves as it can lead to wilting and burn. • 2. Clean Plant Leaves • Accumulation of dirt on indoor plants’ leaves can affect photosynthesis and growth. To avoid this, you should regularly clean them. • Mix one teaspoon of apple vinegar to a gallon of water. • Dip a soft cloth in this solution and apply it gently on dirty leaves. • The vinegar will clean the foliage, and its smell will deter away pests like scales and mites. • 3. DIY a Fruit Fly Trap • Fruit flies are a common nuisance for every gardener. If you wish to get rid of them naturally, try this. • Make a solution of 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of molasses, 1/4 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water. • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and pour it into some containers and hang them at strategical spots. • The combination will act as a bait and lure the fruit flies into swarming in it. • Make sure to remove the dead flies periodically. • • 4. Get Rid of Slugs • Apple cider vinegar is effective against controlling pests like • slugs and snails in the garden. If you spray this on these • soft-bodied insects, they’ll melt and perish. • • Mixing an equal amount of water and ACV to make a solution. • Avoid drenching the foliage or roots of any plant with this solution. • 5. Keep Cats and Dogs Away from the Garden • Have a curious pet that wreaks havoc in your garden? Or, the rodents are disturbing your peace there? • • To prevent this, place some rags pre-soaked in the apple cider vinegar solution at locations you don’t want them to visit in your garden. • Re-soak those rags every week to maintain the efficacy. • Another method is to spray undiluted apple vinegar around the circumference • of the place you want your dog to avoid. • • 6. Clean Old and Rusty Garden Tools • Metallic garden tools tend to rust over time. Apple cider vinegar can reduce this problem: • For this, directly spray the ACV on to the rusty areas of the tools and wipe off with a clean cloth. • You can also dip your tools in a mug or bucket containing pure apple cider vinegar for about a day if the stains are stubborn. • 7. Make Old Clay Pots New Again • Clean the clay pots with ACV. • • First of all, scrub off any dirt adhered to your containers and then put them in a solution of 4 cups water, 1 cup apple cider vinegar, and 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid for minimum one hour. • After that, take out the pots and rub them gently with a moist cloth. • Once the process is done, rinse them in normal water. Your terracotta pots will be clean as new. • If your pots are very dirty, you might need to soak them in this solution for 24 hours. • 8. Get Rid of Ants • You can use apple cider vinegar to get rid of ants. • Add an equal quantity of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle, • shake it well and spray it on ant trails in your home and garden. • 9. Make Your Soil More Acidic • Certain garden plants like cranberry, azalea, and camellia prefer acidic soil to grow and thrive. These plants require low pH levels, and apple cider vinegar can help you with that if your soil is alkaline. Remember that you need to check the pH of the soil regularly, and regulate the amount of apple cider vinegar you’re adding to the soil. • For a quick boost, you can mix half to one full cup of ACV in a gallon of water. • Apply it to the soil using a watering can. • 10. ACV Weed Killer • You can use apple cider vinegar to get rid of weeds. • • Add about two cups of apple cider vinegar, half a cup of Epsom salt in a gallon of water. Mix all the ingredients. • Pour it in a spray bottle and directly apply it over the weeds. • Thanks. • #applecidervinegar #vinegaruses #gardentips