JWT Authentication with Access Tokens amp Refresh Tokens Nodejs
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Repository: https://github.com/TomDoesTech/JWT-Ac... • 0:00 Introduction • 2:11 Demo • 4:02 Code walkthrough • 12:10 Granting an access token • 21:01 Using the access token • 24:54 Revoking an access token • 26:40 Granting a refresh token • 26:59 Outro • In this video, we take a deep dive into JSON Web Tokens, how to use them as access tokens, the problems with a completely stateless application, and how to solve those problems with refresh tokens. • JSON Web Tokens are made up of 3 base64 encoded objects concatenated into a single string. The first string is the header, the second is the payload and the third is an encrypted signature. • The header portion of the token contains metadata or data about the token such as the signing algorithm and the token type. • The payload is a JSON object that you want to store in the token. There are reserved keys such as iss and exp that you can't use. You should never store sensitive information in the payload, such as passwords. • The signature is generated by encrypting the header and payload base64 strings with your private key. • If the header or payload data change, the secret will no longer match the header and payload strings, making the JWT invalid. • Access tokens are granted to users when they have proven to be who they claim to be, usually by logging in. The bearer of these tokens can make subsequent requests and provide the token as proof that they are who they claim to be. • Using JWTs as access tokens allows your system to be stateless, meaning the system does not need to have access to a stateful data source, such as a database, to verify and extract the data from the token. This is great for scaling applications but introduces a new problem. • We need to be able to force a single user to log out and make sure the user does not need to log in every few minutes. • The solution to these problems is refresh tokens. • Refresh tokens allow the system to provide short-lived access tokens. When a request is made that includes a valid access token that has not expired, access is granted for that request. • However, if the access token has expired but the request includes a valid refresh token, we can do a single trip to the database to make sure the user’s session is still valid and if it is, provide them with a new access token. • In this video, we are going to look into the anatomy of JSON web tokens, granting access tokens, and how to use fresh tokens. • By watching the entire video you will understand the concepts that power JSON Web tokens and how to build your own secure authentication system using JSON web tokens. • 📚 Concepts technologies covered • JWT • Access tokens • Refresh tokens • Express.js • Cookies • 🌎 Follow me here: • Discord: / discord • Twitter: / tomdoes_tech • Facebook: / tomdoestech • Instagram: / tomdoestech • TikTok: / tomdoes_tech • ☕ Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/tomn