How is a Pelton Wheel Water Turbine made


#EngineeringHub • Pelton Wheel is a common example of Impulse Turbine. • This turbine is developed by L.A.Pelton. • Pelton Wheel Turbine is used for high water head and low discharge. • Turbines are the modern machines used to generate electricity from a renewable energy source in power plant. • Hence in Hydro-Electric Power Plant Impulse Turbine and Reaction Turbine are used based on the requirement. • So, Here are the Main Parts of Pelton Wheel • 01) Nozzle • It is the circular guide mechanism, which guides the water to flow at designed direction. This also regulates the flow rate. • A conical needle or spear operates inside the nozzle in an axial direction. • This spear controls the quantity of water flowing through the nozzle. • The area of the jet is reduced by pushing the spear forward inside the nozzle. • Hence this results in a reduction of water quantity flowing through the jet. • Similarly, if the spear is pushed back, the greater quantity of water is flowing through the jet. • Spear is controlled by automatic governing mechanism or by hand depending upon the need. • Some additional nozzles, known as Bypass Nozzles are provided. • This way we avoid the bursting of pipe in case of sudden closing of water supply. • Bypass nozzle doesn’t allow water to strike the buckets. • In some Pelton Wheel Engineering defectors are provided in a nozzle, which is used to deflect the water jet. Hence preventing it from striking the buckets. • 02) Runner and Buckets • The runner of a Pelton Wheel consists of a circular disc fixed to a horizontal shaft. • On the periphery of the runner, a number of buckets in hemispherical or bowl shape will be fixed uniformly. • The surface of the buckets is made very smooth to avoid friction losses. • The material of bucket for low water head is Cast Iron. • For a high head, they are made from bronze, Stainless Steel or another alloy. • Special Alloys are used to manufacture buckets when water is chemically impure. • The buckets are generally bolted on runner disc. • So, when few buckets are worn and need a replacement that can be done. • 03) Casing • The casing is, generally, made of cast or fabricated parts, to safeguard the runner and bucket assembly against accident. • And also to prevent the splashing of water and lead the water to the tailrace. • The casing of the Pelton Wheel does not perform any hydraulic function. • 04) Braking Jet • To reduce the speed of the runner, breaking jet is work as a break. • These are very small nozzles in order to bring runner to rest in a short time period. • Braking jet works on the back side of buckets. • This jet brought the turbine to rest for necessary action to do by engineering dept. • visit, • Get the Best Engineering Books at BIG DISCOUNT, Click Here, • Also, like us on   / bestengineeringhub  


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