TIMESTAMPS • 0:00 SPEEDRUN • 0:22 STAIRWAY • 1:10 OBSTACLE • 1:44 OBSTACLE BACKWARDS • 2:05 OBSTACLE HAX • 3:18 STEADY PACE/FROGGER • 3:51 STEADY PACE DISJOINTED KILL WALL • 4:30 PIPE GAME • 5:13 DANGER BELOW(NO REDS) • 5:26 DANGER BELOW • 6:00 MAZE/PAC-MAN • 6:37 SOCCER • 7:45 SOCCER(SINGLE PLAYER) • 8:05 BUMBLE BEAM • 8:42 DODGEBALL/HOT POTATO • 9:37 9SQUARE • 10:55 SWEEPER • 12:06 MINEFIELD • 13:44 DEATHRUN • KNOWLEDGE • JB_8BIT_V6_NIGHT • ARMORY--break through windows(8 hits)/grates(8 hits, infinitely spammable and capable of trapping people) or hit black portion of tnt behind armory(explodes after 3s, deals 77 damage to any nearby), has 1 of 8 SECRET! gems • SWEEPER--beep-beep-beeeeeep start, CCW spin, spinner moves you, instant visible wall, break wall(5 hits) at ground level under SWEEPER sign for warp pipe to near hot-potato hallway • OBSTACLE(20s)--instant death, can be on top of trees to get hiders, moving platforms push you Just Enough to throw off jumps, rotating log platforms sloooowly push you into death water, gray platforms lower into kill-water when touched at full height and come up after 5s, lantern between 2 gray rocks and spinning platform is JUST low enough to mess up skip-jumps going from finish to start • 9-SQUARE--NO AUDIO WARNING, in-between area kills, standing on closing door doesn't trap/kill you, squares instantly disappear into high-DPS water(too high to eureka effect out), infinitely restartable, hitting stop button instantly stops game • SOCCER--whip soldiers are fucked, ball doesn't kill when immobile, ball can enter goals but doesn't tele, can crouch/walk through goal side bits • DEATHRUN--REDs can hit buttons, button goes GREEN(unpressed)-BLACK(pressed), can't shoot through 1-way glass, hugging yellow caution lines or jumping over traps will still kill/push you, stealth trap after disappearing lava bridge, can't jump over smile trap(after fan trap) • DANGER BELOW--beep-beep-beeep start, only playable once per round, REDs can't hit start, red :) face comes up the center quickly after 3rd obstacle, go to gap by wall opposite of entrance for cracks portion • DODGEBALL(hot potato)--6 rounds, beep-beep-beeeeeeep start, potatos kill on spawn, on touch, and from a quarter of the room away when exploding,1 spawns in the middle, 2nd is added near wall furthest from entrance in 3rd round, 3rd is added close to entrance door on 5th round, infinitely repeatable, cannot shoot through the glass • STAIRWAY(37s)--crouch and then jump while holding crouch to get onto 3rd set and final box, have to keep going a bit after crouchjumping for platform BEFORE glass platform and thick oneafter glass platform, and for short playforms+next after them • STEADY PACE(FROGGER)--no wall between starting area and kill wall when game begins,invisible roof an inch above player head the entire time, KILL BORDER accelerates faster than visible KILL WALL(ex.:death at start of log portion while lava wall is on 2nd red car) so follow far border as close as possible,can shoot through invisible blu/red wall, can tap-crouch over gaps in logs, logs spazz the fuck out if multiple players are on one at the same time • SPEED RUN--beep, beep, beeeep countdown, can't start the game without ammo, can shoot through invisible ceiling, can NORMAL jump as you enter the small center building for funny HNS spot(can still eureka effect out), hugging the wall as it turns to brick kills you • BUMBLEBEAM--beep-beep-beeeep start but cage appears and floor shifts towards entrnace as soon at start button is pressed, 3 rounds, takes you out of any taunt at the start of every round, game stops itself at end of 3rd round, can't shoot through 1-way back wall, infinitely restartable • MAZE(PAC-MAN)--collect 5 gems:,safe in corners of rooms, can't shoot through 1-way ceiling, hallway TNT deals 80 dmg to any nearby • MINEFIELD--mines deal 90ish damage, frequently bounce you right onto another one, and there's tons of them, good luck • PIPE GAME(13s)--skill check funny delay spot, green top of walls SLIGHTLY stick out, some side pipes slowly kill while you're on it • Map by Semicolon Backslash. Link: