Advanced LED strip patterns with Arduino
Source code: • Here is a simple video showing some fun LED strip patterns created using an Arduino and the FastLED library. Most of these patterns involve using a for loop, so I'd highly recommend being familiar with for loops, RGB color scheme, and Arduino delays to better your understanding of how these work! LEDs are a fun way to create cool displays and color schemes. Stay tuned for more videos! • Rainbow Pattern: Created using a for loop to light sequential LEDs based on changing RGB color values. Use the iterative counter of the for loop to change the RGB color based on assignment. • Gradient Flash: Iteratively change the brightness of the LED strip using the FastLED.setBrightness() method. Allows the user to create a strobe effect. • Emit from Center: Start from the center LED (30 in my case) and iterate through by the 30+i and 30-i led. This starts at the centermost LED and lights up two leds, i distance further from the center each time. • Pong clock lights: Same idea, just use a ping pong device to diffuse the light strip. • Ping Pong Rainbow: Light each LED on a constant color, and change the color for each different for loop. The delay here is low enough that the LEDs look like they're lighting up in vertical strips. Change the colors based on personal preference. • Random LED and color: Select a random LED and a random CRGB color. • Opposite Stripes: Define the LED addresses in arrays. Light each row based on the desired color. To go from left to right, use an incrementing for loop from 0. To light from right to left, use decrementing for loop from the length of the array. Select the desired row to light based on preference. • • ABOUT ME: I am a recent graduate from the University of Tennessee Knoxville, and I am on a mission to provide educational and informative content in the realm of engineering. This can range from programming lessons to videos about mechanics of materials, to circuits, and beyond! Most of the lessons I learned in college came not through the classroom, but the time I spent learning things by myself through online communities such as YouTube. I hope to give back to the community by providing valuable content to my viewers. Feel free to subscribe and I promise you'll learn something new with every video!