Heroes vs Villains Round 10 Part 1

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Prologue: • -On the RLS Legacy, Jim (ckprimeval07) checks on Mulan (jacey) to see if she is recovering from her injury. As Dr. Doppler (TheBlackPhoenix100) tends her wounds, Amelia (jacey) assigns a mission for the two teenagers. Mushu (gordhanx) is unsure about this idea. Amelia sends Osmosis Jones (disneydaniel93) and Drix (TheBlackPhoenix100) to accompany Jim and Mulan on their journey. • -After escaping from the A.C.S., Tom and Jerry run into the League of Gentlemice and tells them about what happen. The mice agree to help them and head over to the pound. They are unaware that they are being watched by someone. • -Oliver, Francis, Bluebeard, Scat Cat, and the Alley Cats run into Cody, Louie, Cecilia, Rex and co. and tells them about the A.C.S. Cody also brings up that McLeach has possibly captured some young dinosaurs that need to be rescued as well. • -Jaune Tom and Robespierre meet the Colonel and Sgt. Tibbs and also head to the A.C.S. for a breakout. • -At Queen Grimhilde's castle, Ogthar explains his evil plan to his allies about world conquer. He sends his minions, a Parasaurolophus named Rhoga and a Euoplocephalus named Thudd, out on a mission to start their evil plan. • -At Patch of Heaven, Napoleon introduces Cat R. Waul to the rest of the animals and explains that they need to get rid of Alameda Slim and Amos Slade so that they can rule the farm themselves. The animals are unsure at first about this idea but eventually give in. However, Tod is a bit suspicious about what the pig and cat are up to. • Fly, Stella, Chuck, Hubie, and Rocko vs. Lawrence and Kronk: • Yzma fears that the kids who she turned into fish earlier may come back to become human again. So she and Dr. Facilier send their henchmen out to stop them-after a little upgrade of course. Hubie and Rocko, who have gotten separated from Aladdin's crew, decide to go fishing for a little bit but get caught up during the chase. • Escape from A.C.S. (Part 1): • Sykes calls Cruella to tell her that McLeach wants to show them his catch. So she, along with Medusa and Aunt Figg go to meet with the poacher while leaving Dr. Applecheek, Edgar and their henchmen to watch after the prisoners. After they leave, the mice and cats break into to free the other cats and dogs. • Pooh and friends vs. Rhoga and Thudd (made by disneydaniel93): • As Pooh and his friends are wandering around the forest, they come across Rhoga and Thudd who have already stolen a cart load of eggs. The stuffed animals decide to help the eggs and fight off the two dinosaurs. Will they succeed? • Escape from A.C.S. (Part 2): • Cruella, Medusa, and Figg meet with McLeach and Clayton as they show them Littlefoot and co. They are all impressed that they have living dinosaurs with them. McLeach decides to test their strengths by having them fight some other exotic animals that they have caught. • Patch of Heaven vs. A.C.S. Sector C: • As Slim and Slade welcome their newest member Farmer Jones, they notice that the animals are staring them down. Soon a fight breaks out but will the animals be able to chase them off of Patch of Heaven? • Escape from A.C.S. (Part 3): • The dogs, cats, and mice soon run into Louie, Cecilia, and the dinosaurs. As they are about to leave the place, they soon find themselves surrounded by the villains. A fight breaks out but they soon find themselves trapped. Can anyone get them out of this mess? While this is going on, Tiger is unfortunate to run into some dogs in the area. • To see the rest of description, click here: • http://villainstournament.proboards.c...


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