Beethoven Bagatelle in C major WoO 56


microorganism|Classification|Introduction|Bacteria|Fungi|Protozoa|Algae| • Virus| • #ThaproScience • The uni-cellular (single celled) or multi cellular organisms which are invisible • to the naked eye when taken individually are called microorganisms. • They can be divided into five major types: bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae, and viruses. • Bacteria • Bacteria are unicellular organisms. The cells are described as prokaryotic because they lack a nucleus. They exist in four major shapes: bacillus (rod shape), coccus (spherical shape), spirilla (spiral shape), and vibrio (curved shape). • they divide by binary fission; and they may possess flagella for motility. The difference in their cell wall structure is a major feature used in classifying these organisms. According to the way their cell wall structure stains, bacteria can be classified as either Gram-positive or Gram-negative when using the Gram staining. • Fungi • Fungi are eukaryotic cells (with a true nucleus). Most fungi are multicellular, and their cell wall is composed of chitin. They obtain nutrients by absorbing organic material from their environment (decomposers), through symbiotic relationships with plants (symbionts), or harmful relationships with a host (parasites). They form characteristic filamentous tubes called hyphae that help absorb material. The collection of hyphae is called mycelium. Fungi reproduce by releasing spores. • Ex: - mushroom, molds, and yeasts • Protozoa • Protozoa are unicellular aerobic eukaryotes. They have a nucleus, complex organelles, and obtain nourishment by absorption or ingestion through specialized structures. They make up the largest group of organisms in the world in terms of numbers, biomass, and diversity. Their cell walls are made up of cellulose. Protozoa have been traditionally divided based on their mode of locomotion: • Amoeba-pseudopodia • Paramecium-cilia • Euglena-flagella • Algae • Algae are unicellular or multicellular eukaryotes that obtain nourishment by photosynthesis. They live in water, damp soil, and rocks and produce oxygen and carbohydrates used by other organisms. They are very important because they make much of Earth’s oxygen, which humans and other animals need to breathe. Algae can be green, blue, red, or brown. They vary greatly in size. Some species are so small that they can only be seen through a microscope. On the other hand, the algae called kelp can reach 200 feet (60 meters) in length. • Virus • A virus is a tiny, infectious particle that lives inside of living organisms. Viruses are noncellular entities that consist of a nucleic acid core (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat. they are not considered living organisms. Viruses cannot reproduce outside a host cell and cannot metabolize on their own.


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