All Unown Locations Cobalt Coastlands Pokémon Legends Arceus


Unown B location • Hint: TURN YOUR EYES UP AT THE VOLCANIC ISLAND • Location: Sounds simple, doesn't it? Sadly, navigating the island can be frustrating as you can't fly directly over lava, which can make hunting this one a bit of a pain if you don't know where it is. • Quick-travel to Firespit Island, jump on Braviary and fly clockwise around the volcano (towards where Alpha Ninetails spawns). There's a little path right up to the volcano on the elevated section. Stand there and look up, and you'll spot Unown B. A well-placed Wing Ball (or equivalent) will help you catch it. • Unown N location • Hint: THE HORNS RISING FROM THE SEA • Location: Again, a pretty simple one, but if you need the help, it's the giant Pinsir-like horns to the far east of the Colbalt Coastlands. • Jump on Basculegion, and look at the west side of the westmost horn. Chuck a Wing Ball (or equivalent) from Basculegion's back so you get the extra distance - or if you're feeling really brave, jump with Basculegion and throw a Pokéball. • Unown Q location • Hint: TWIN TREES AT THE SPRING BY THE SEA • Location: The spring by the sea is specifically the lake north of the Windbreak Stand (west of Islespy Shore). There's a cave here with two trees by the entrance - Unown Q is on the tree to the left of the entrance (if you're looking at the entrance). • Unown R location • Hint: BY THE GRAVE UPON THE CAVE • Location: This one is by the late Lord Arcanine's grave in the Cobalt Coastlands. Looking at the grave, walk to the right-hand slope and look down it at the rocky patch to the left. Unown R is on the slope there - be careful you don't fall off though! • Unown Z location • Hint: A TIMEWORN SHIP ON A SANDY SHORE • Location: The last Unown in this location is another nice, easy one - head to the shipwrecks at Deadwood Haunt in the Cobalt Coastlands. Unown Z is on the mast of the upright ship. • 👍 Hit that like button to show support some support! • 🔔If you want to see more content subscribe and hit that bell! • ►► Social Media◄◄ ✦ Instagram:   / gaming_spar.  . • 🔊 Music:


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