Nichols Mouthbrooder Spawning
A busy community tank with swordtails, platies, cories, Ctenopoma ansorgii, Rivulus cylandraceus and a breeding pair of Nichols' Mouthbrooder, Pseudocrenilabrus nicholsi. The mouthbrooders are spawning on a moss ball in the middle of a 20 gallon tank at Zoo-Rama Aquarium in The Bronx. You can see the male fertilize and guard the fairly large yellow-orange eggs until the female takes them in her mouth. • • (The platies don't get much screen time-- they stayed mostly at the surface, but they can be seen in the zoom out. You get a quick view of the Rivulus ducking behind the moss ball (right side of screen) • • • Also check out our other videos and visit our website for adorable puppies: •