How to Wear and Pair a Lingo Glucose Monitor Womens Health UK
Until recently, CGMs (Continuous Glucose Monitors) were used solely by diabetics to measure their blood sugar levels, and manage the symptoms of their illness. But, as our health becomes increasingly datafied, this life-saving technology has become available to everyone. • Lingo, made by Abbott, is one of these devices. By pairing it with an app, it allows to users monitor their blood sugar levels, learning what nuances of their diet and lifestyle causes spikes. • In this simple video, Claire Sanderson, Editor-in-Chief of Women’s Heath UK demonstrates how to use one of the devices, from unboxing to attaching to the skin. • Read her reasons for monitoring her blood sugar (as a non-diabetic) here • Don't miss out on the latest must-see videos from Women's Health UK, subscribe! • Website: • Facebook: / womenshealthuk • Instagram: / womenshealthuk • X: • Tik Tok: / womenshealthuk • #cgm #lingo #howtowearalingo #pairlingowithphone #lingoapp #lingocgm #lingobloodsugar #lingounboxing #cgmphoneapp #glucosemonitoringinstructions