Chameleon CHA TDL Tactical Delta Loop HF Portable Antenna ReviewTest
The Tactical Delta Loop antenna (CHA TDL), is a portable High Frequency (HF) antenna specially designed for transportability, quick setup, and a small footprint. This antenna is ideal for camping or temporary installation in a townhome or other houses with a small yard or antenna restrictions. It can operate on all amateur radio bands from 3.5 to 54.0 MHz (80-6M), but is most effective on the bands from 10.1 to 54.0 MHz (30-6M). The Tactical Delta Loop will also provide acceptable shorter range Near-Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) propagation on the 3.5 to 7.0 MHz bands (80 - 40M) making it a useful backup EMCOMM antenna preparedness.The Tactical Delta Loop can easily be configured as a horizontally polarized inverted Delta Loop or as a ground mounted vertical antenna. Some of the advantages of a Delta Loop antenna over a vertical are increased efficiency, reduced noise, and some broadside directionality. An antenna tuner or coupler is required for operation on the amateur radio bands from 3.5 to 7.0 MHz (80-40M). Setup can typically be accomplished by one operator in 5 minutes. • • • • • • • Interested in obtaining your ham radio license? The best way to get started is at • Use the code eric20 at checkout to save 20%. You will pass the exam on your first try or your money back. • • • • • • • • #hamradio #chameleonantenna #deltaloop