Living Outdoors in The Sims 4 Tips Funny Moments and Experiences


A guide giving directions on how to get to each of the 4 (four) hidden worlds in The Sims 4, being the Sylvan Glade, The Forgotten Hollow, Sixam and The Hermit's House. Please like and comment, and Subscribe here: • You will need The Sims 4 Get To Work Expansion Pack to get to Sixam, and The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat Game Pack to get to The Hermit's House. • SYLVAN GLADE. • Head to Willow Creek and enter the Crick Cabana lot. Travel north east to the tree and keep interact with it until the entrance opens and the option to explore it appears. Once you explore the tree, answer the following four options to travel to Sylvan Glade: • 1. Follow The Sound • 2. Travel Downstream • 3. Enter the Mist • 4. Travel to Glade • FORGOTTEN HOLLOW • Travel to, and break open one of the two entrances located in Oasis Springs. One is located behind the Landgrabb Mansion. The other is located behind the Desert Bloom park. Then answer the following four options to travel to the Forgotten Grotto: • 1. Take the Wide Path • 2. Climb the Ladder • 3. Step onto the Ledge • 4. Travel to the Forgotten Grotto • SIXAM • There are two ways to travel to Sixam. • 1. Build a rocket ship, level up your rocket science skill to 10, and upgrade with the wormhole generator. You can then use the rocket ship to travel to Sixam. This is the easiest and fastest method. • 2. Join the Scientist career and build the Electroflux Wormhole Generator [Level 6 of career]. Then at level 10 of the career you can upgrade the Electroflux Wormhole Generator to allow travel to Sixam. • HERMIT'S HOUSE • Have your sim go on vacation in Granite Falls, and then visit the Granite Falls Forest. Look for a small dirt cave with branches covering it and enter it. Then some scenarios will appear. Select the following. • 1. Step Forward • 2. Go Through The Web • 3. Ignore The Object • 4. Travel To The Sim • You may also get two more potential options: • Sally Forth/Nap. Pick Sally Forth. • Keep Walking/Fish. Pick Keep Walking. • Socials: • Instagram:   / peterconte1   • Twitter:   / peter_conte  


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