The Great American Tax Ripoff


Tax Day gets a lot of attention, but John Stossel says that attention is misleading, because the April 17th deadline is only for income tax. That's just a fraction of the taxes Americans pay. • ---------------- • Don't miss a single video from Stossel TV, sign up here: • Subscribe to my YouTube channel:    / johnstossel   • Like me on Facebook:   / johnstossel   • Follow me on Twitter:   / johnstossel   • ---------------- • You probably know about property, payroll and sales taxes, but there are also lots of hidden taxes. Kristin Tate reports on them in her new book How Do I Tax Thee? A Field Guide to The Great American Ripoff. • Tate found a hundred hidden taxes -- a rifle tax, airplane and hotel taxes, dog license fees, a blueberry tax in Maine, a sliced bagel tax in New York City (whole bagels aren't taxed), and so on. • Our camera followed her as she asked people if they knew about these taxes. Few did. • When people did know about them, like the dog license fee, they assumed it went to cover the public costs of dogs. But Tate says: In most cities it doesn't go to dogs. It just goes to the general fund like all of these other fees. • Stossel assumed 9-1-1 fees went to maintain the emergency system. But Tate says they usually don't. • In most states and cities the 9-1-1 fees just go to general funds, she said. In Chicago, They hiked their 9-1-1 fee in 2008. The reason for the hike was to fund their Olympic bid. • But when Chicago lost its Olympic bid, the 9-1-1 fee hike stayed in place. • Once they put [taxes] there, they almost never go away, Stossel suggested. • Absolutely not. Government only grows, Tate said.


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