Stalking the floor at Elex 24 London


Oh, to look as young and sexy as the thumbnail artwork suggests! Never mind, London’s Alexandra Palace is hosting the first Elex of 2024 and it’s a case of be there or be square… or be there and be square. Tell you what, I’ll stick a song about circles over it to round out some of the squareness. • Linda and I survived London, although we were ejected from Wood Green’s grimy Wetherspoons which is a new low (don’t ask). • As always, some of the audio is rotten. The camerawork is also odd at times where the 360 lens was used, especially when we were at Hager’s stand. Yes, me and Hager have been in the same room together – I keep getting asked about whether I’ve spoken to them and I’m sure they keep getting asked about the perceived shortfalls of their game-changing AFDD. Sadly, despite exhibiting at an exhibition with a stand that advertises “ASK THE EXPERTS”, there are no answers here and all you’ll get from this one are embarrassed false smiles and Fat Sam’s report of their technical guy dismissing me as ‘a drunken idiot’… which, I guess, isn’t without merit. • I would like to single out CPN Cudis, Viperclip, Wohler and Kewtech as being stands where I had a particularly enjoyable chinwag with those present, not all on camera sadly, and I probably spent too much time with Kewtech as I fangirled over their gear. • Electrician’s Podcast gets name-dropped a few times, but I’m not affiliated with them in any way – let me just distance myself from their anarchy right now! I tend to tune in at half seven on a Sunday evening and join in the live chat, so maybe see you there if you’ve nothing better to do! • I must do a video about my tool theft update because although I thank Nick here for his Bosch contribution, there were many donations from the masses, so thanks all – I’m back to having a healthy load-out and I have no excuse for not doing any work. • There may be another AFDD video as I attempted to get samples from Chint, Scolmore, Garo and CPN Cudis. CPN sorted me out on the day, the others sucked a little air through their teeth and said they’d speak with their marketing people, so I guess I puckered up a few sphincters. We’ll see what happens but remember it’s not AFDDs I have a problem with, although it would be nice to see Hager’s working, it’s smart tech in protective devices which is my bugbear, and my beef with Hager would extend to any other manufacturer trying the same thing. • Cheers to all who stopped for a chat and posed for a photo – I hope I haven’t missed anyone out from the gallery on this one. • Links: • Elex: • Interviewees: • Jordan at Artisan Electrics: ‪@artisanelectrics‬ • Kimmy: ‪@kimmythesparks‬ • Mikes Electric Stuff: ‪@mikeselectricstuff‬ • Nick Bundy: ‪@NBundyElectrical‬ • Fat Sam (Electrician's Podcast): ‪@ELECTRICIANSPODCAST‬ • The music is Circles by Kate Tempest. If there are any adverts on this one, her record company takes all the cash! • Affiliate links: • For a shout out in a future video, you can buy me a beer or cigar here or with the SuperThanks button: • • My ridiculous Amazon storefront: • • £50 off YourTradeBase: • • Get £40 credit for switching to Zen Internet: • • For web hosting, get £10 off at Krystal with the code DSESELECTRIC at checkout! • • Recycle your scrap cable at - use referral code GREENCABLET1ZT when setting up an account and I'll get a tenner while you get a recycling bin delivered at no cost! • For more on my video content, refer to my OnlyFans page (not really an OnlyFans page): • or at


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