Gta V Fivem Meth cooking like in Breaking Bad
Meth cooking like in Breaking Bad [ESX] [Release] • • Resource Description: • This resource allows players to cook meth inside of any “Journey Van”. There’s nothing special to the van players will need to use others than getting the resources which are needed to start cooking. • Items • Portable Methlab [Multi-use item which never goes away and can be reused over and over again] • Acetone [Players will need to have at least 5 acetone in their inventory if they wish to start cooking meth] • Lithium Batteries [Players will need to have at least 2 lithium batteries to start cooking meth] • Meth [Item which player will recieve upon completion of cooking process (You will need to get other script to let them sell this item)] • Cooking • To start cooking meth players need to have: • 1x Portable Methlab • 5x Acetone • 2x Lithium Batteries • Journey van • They also need to be north of sandy shores and not too high up in the mountains (kinda limits the area players can cook so they don’t go cooking inside Los Santos and hide inside underground parkings etc.) • [This limitation can be removed or changed in client.lua:141] • When player has all the required items and is sitting inside a driver seat of a Journey Van he can press [G] to start cooking which will move him into the back seat of the car, car will be unable to be driven and after couple seconds red smoke will come from the roof of the van until the cooking process is completed (Everyone can see the smoke) • During the cooking process players will recieve quick time events for example: • Question: Meth becomes solid too fast, what do you do? • Answers: 1. Raise the pressure • 2. Raise the temperature • 3. Lower the pressure • Player will need to decide on the best option and press corresponding key on his keyboard [1, 2 or 3] • If the best option has been chosen player will recieve more meth at the end of cooking process, if wrong option has been chosen he will recieve less and in some questions extremley stupid and wrong answer can cause the car to explode (not killing the player) and cooking process getting cancelled.