How to REALLY Embed a SlideShare presentation YouTube Video TUTORIAL
👉 👈 👀 Embedding a SlideShare presentation (or a YouTube video!) into a blog post can be as easy as pasting the link into Wordpress post editor. • Buuuuuut you can do A LOT better than that in as little time - with three easy hacks to make your SlideShare presentation embed look its best. • In this Content Boomerang tutorial, I’ll show you how to adjust the embed code to maximize the size, get rid of those pesky black borders, align it to the center of your page, and remove all unnecessary links that take YOUR traffic away from YOUR site. • If you don’t yet know what Content Boomerang is, you should definitely check it out. • 👉 👈 👀 • You might be pleasantly surprised to learn that the content you create doesn’t have to rot in your archives, but could be put to work through content repurposing and continue to bring traffic and leads back to your business. • 👉 👈 👀 • See you there! • From Ana with ☕️