DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray STEM Activity
DISCLAIMER: You should use what you choose and think is best for fighting germs. You should use whatever sanitizer you think is best. I am a firm believer in Thieves oil. I have used it for years. I have never gotten sick when lots around me have. This video is for informational purposes only. I am not a scientist nor a doctor and make no claims to that effect. • In light of our current health crisis the world over. I thought it would be a good time to share with you how you can make a fabulous, moisturizing, germ busting hand sanitizer with ingredients that are easy to source. This is a scary time, but being able to be self sufficient and make your own stuff can be a very therapeutic endeavor. Preparedness is a way to be certain that you never have to be anxious or fearful of things like what we are facing now. So fear not! I have your back and we all have each other! • I have chosen to make my hand sanitizer alcohol free with ingredients of the same. You can make yours with whatever you can source and whatever your wallet deems appropriate. I am using all natural and organic aloe vera gel that does not contain any colorants, alcohol free, scent free witch hazel, a bit of water and several drops of my favorite Thieves, essential oil. You do not have to use the essential oil I have chosen. You can use Tea Tree oil, which has great germ fighting properties, lemon, peppermint, eucalyptus or Bergamot, all of which have germ fighting properties. Please do your own research before choosing what is best for you. I chose to use Thieves for it's known germ fighting abilities. I often use this oil in daily life and attribute my overall wellness to its regular use in personal care as well as in my housekeeping regimine. • The blend is simple. Into a reusable squeeze bottle pour 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel, 2 tablespoons of witch hazel a bit of water, and 15 drops or so of the essential oil. Cap it and give it a good shake to incorporate. It may or may not separate due to whatever brand of gel you have used. Mine did not. It has held steady since I made it. I added a bit less water but you can add a bit more do not exceed 2 tablespoons. It will make it much too runny. • If you have smaller bottles/containers, you can simply cut the recipe in half or you can distribute the mixture among more than one container. No worries. This is going to be a nice go to for your bag, purse or back pack. I am always vigilant about having either a spray or a gel in my bag for disinfecting the grocery cart when I go to the store. Does it look odd to whip out a spray bottle and douse the grocery cart. Probably. Do I care? Nope! • As you can see, a little bit of ingredients can go a long way. You only need a few drops in the palm of your hand to make them sanitized and moisturized not to mention smelling great! I chose to use alcohol free aloe and witch hazel because it can dry out your skin. This will not and when you are using the sanitizer multiple times a day that can make a big difference for your cuticles and the reduction of hangnails. • I hope that this will be something you can use and that you will try. I hope that you all stay healthy and well and do everything you can to take the proactive measures necessary to facilitate that. Be sure, during this time to keep your heads about you. Remember it is easier to be a blessing to others instead of a curse. One day you may need someone to be a blessing to you. So lift each other up and everything will be fine. We will all get through this arduous time and be better for it. • Happiness and Health! • Get my cookbooks here: • Business Inquiries can be sent to: • [email protected] • Check me out on social media! • Facebook: • Twitter: @noreenskitchen • Instagram: • Google + • **MAILING ADDRESS*** • Noreen's Kitchen • PO Box 14173 • New Bern, NC 28561 • Have a question for me? Send me an email: • [email protected] • Noreen's Kitchen Community Guidelines (The Rules) • • Any links to Amazon are, in many cases, affiliate links. • • Produced by Noreen's Kitchen ©2008-2016 all rights reserved All embeds must live link to Noreen's Kitchen channel. No Editorial Excerpts without permission, Violators agree to pay royalties, all court costs, all collections all lawyers fees.