34 How to Mod Minecraft with AddOns UUID Generator
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y2C29D3F6HI
Don't forget to like and subscribe! • A UUID is a Universally Unique Identifier. This is used to give your add-on, behavior pack and resource pack a completely unique ID. A UUID is create by an algorithm that can be accessed from inside your code editor or even from a web site. We'll be getting our UUIDs from a web site. Every time you visit the site it will generate a brand new ID. Just refresh the page and boom...another new one. • Right now, visit this web page and bookmark it for later use in the course. • UUID GENERATOR: • https://www.uuidgenerator.net/version4 • --- • This is a complete class on creating Minecraft Add-Ons. Please watch all videos in order to make sure you don't miss a step. This will get you into creating Behaviors Packs and Resource Packs for Minecraft Add-Ons. You'll also be able to share your creation with the world by creating .mcpack and .mcworld files. • About Cleverlike: • Brian Dickman (Cleverlike) is a lifetime computer enthusiast starting with the Commodore VIC-20. He studied Computer Science and business in college and worked in multiple start-ups and established software companies before starting Deep Space. Deep Space is a hackerspace venue in Parker, CO which also hosts Minecraft Clubs, computer programming, 3D printing and robotics classes for kids and adults. After 3 years of teaching Minecraft programming he has taken his teaching to YouTube.