Moncton Driving Observations November 24 2024


Clips from driving in the Moncton area. • #moncton #monctondriving #dashcamvideos • #1 - Car runs the red arrow at the 4 corners (Surprise, not!) • #2 - Ooh, look more cars blocking the intersection when they can't clear it • #3 - Truck runs turning arrow • #4 - Veloster on the right the windows are so fogged up can't possible see anything • #5 - More red light runners, maybe the snow turns drivers more stupid than usual • #6 - More of the same, these first 6 clips are from a span of road that is less than a kilometer long • #7 - Next day, same intersection as #6, just the opposite direction, same thing happens • #8 - Mitsubishi Mirage does a double lane change to take the exit, looked like it was going to flip over! • #9 - Truck backs out into other lane, other truck drives around in the drive thru lane • #10 - Truck on left leaves some room for the turning truck to make it around • #11 - SUV does a U-turn in the middle of Hillsborough road, been driving this road for many years that's the first time I've ever seen someone do that • #12 - Little Mitsubishi car is clipped by a transport truck. I assume they tried to move over and the truck didn't see them in their tiny car • #13 - Costco Parking lot on a Saturday, I don't need to say anything else • #14 - SUV uses the turn lane as a passing lane to go around a turning vehicle • #15 - #7 again on another day • #16 - Lack of understanding of what the left lane is for • #17 - Truck looks like they thought they had the green arrow and didn't. I think they only reason they stopped was because there were vehicles coming at them. • #18 - Red light runner on Assomption • #19 - This one is a 2 parter, first the white car turns in front of the Red SUV then the same Red SUV cuts into the other lane with no signal to go around the stopped bus • #20 - Mazda is in straight lane to make a left turn with a truck in the left turn lane, I saw in my mirror they let the Mazda go first before they went • #21 - Car starts moving as I am driving past them, I have to assume they were going to cut in front of me even though they did take the exit • #22 - Taxi runs the light then seems all suprised I hit the horn • #23 - Van thinks about stopped then decides to punch it • #24 - Red light running and blocking the intersection at the mall traffic lights • #25 - Same as #24 • #26 - Redneck car wash


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