The Dr Joy Show The IRS Dumps IDme Part 1


#facialrecognition #irs #idme #tax #taxes #algorithmicjusticeleague #algorithms • The Algorithmic Justice League has a new parody talk show JUST in time for the Breaking News that House Lawmakers are launching an investigation into • Nothing is certain except death and taxes, but what if how you file your taxes left you vulnerable? has been sold to the government (in this case, the IRS) as a safer way to access private and vital information, but the foundation for this claim may be based on cherry-picking and data omission. • The IRS and other government bodies announced they would be using a tool called for identity verification, using facial verification as a form of facial recognition. This company has been collecting sensitive biometric information from millions of people. This plan has already substantially expanded facial recognition, disproportionately impacting marginalized communities and putting the security of all users no matter what shade at risk. Dr. Joy Buolamwini wrote an op-ed for the Atlantic entitled The IRS Should Stop Using Facial Recognition​​ detailing the dangers of this technology in January 2022. You can read more here: • AJL is working to blaze a trail in the fight against harmful AI. When we fight, we win! Learn about this collective victory, and how AJL, Fight for the Future, EPIC, ACLU, and others are working diligently to DUMPID.Me. • Sign this joint petition to show your support! #DumpIDMe • More Background: • Why was this so concerning? • Security (data is a target for cyberattacks, can’t replace biometric data the way you can a credit card) • Privacy (not only does a private company have this information but they can share it with other agencies and “other partners” (their vague language). More collecting of face scans gets us one step closer to a world where we’re identified and tracked everywhere we go. • Exclusionary: people w/out smartphones or webcams can’t access which targets economically disadvantaged people; people without strong/stable internet connections may have trouble - rural communities) • itself is troubling - it has been reported that the company made misleading claims about the type of facial recognition technology it was using - claiming it was using 1:1 (just comparing your ID to your photo) but really used 1:many (comparing your image to a database of images) and was using Amazon’s controversial Rekognition application to do this. • No one should be pressured into sharing their sensitive face information in order to access essential government services • CREDITS TWITTER HANDLES • Director: Dr. Joy Buolamwini, @jovialjoy • IR(i)S voice: Dr. José Ramón Lizárraga, @DrThemBot • Produced by @AJLUnited • Music by The Long Nines, Unstable Studios • Edited by Lady Who Productions, @meagan • Written by @DrThemBot @jovialjoy and @meagan • Animation Design by @CasaBlueStudio • Motion Graphics by @Lizzyp44


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