What if Earth Didnt Have A Magnetic Field
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Subscribe👉 / crunchscience • The surface of the Sun is a very busy place. It has electrically charged gases that generate areas of powerful magnetic forces. Whenever there is a tangling, crossing or reorganizing of magnetic field lines near the sunspots, these massive explosion of energy occurs. We call them solar flares. • Solar flare are not only very dangerous but also very unpredictable, we don't exactly know when there will be next big solar storm running towards our planet. In these explosions millions of tons of high energy charges particles are released which can easily ruin the life form on earth. • Well, luckily we have a strong magnetic field around the planet; that we like call geomagnetic field. You can even prove the existence of earth's magnetic field by using a small magnet. Just tie the magnet to a light thread and suspend it freely. Astonishingly it will orient itself towards the direction of Earth's magnetic field. • Now since you know the basics it's time to get back to the main question. What if Earth Didn't have A Magnetic Field? • Top 10 Greatest Magic Tricks Revealed! Watch here • Top 10 Greatest Magic Tricks Of All T... • Can we bring Dinosaurs back to Life? Watch here • Can We Bring The Dinosaurs Back To Life? • Second Channel👉 / mrscientific • Facebook: / scientificmr • Instagram: / mrscientific • Twitter: / scientificmr