July 1839 Dragoon Soldiers Amazing Account of Raid on 2d Dragoons
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2d Dragoon soldier Hugh McCarty survives the raid on Harney's trading post on the Caloosahatchee River, July 1839. Spanish Indians and Miccosukees raid the soldiers on the morning of July 23, 1839. It was the third deadliest attack on the soldiers during the war. • Lt.Col. William S. Harney survives. • The account is from the Army Navy Chronicle Scientific Repository journal, Sept. 14, 1839, No. II, issue 11, page 326-328. • Jarvis' account is from, An Army Surgeon's Notes of Frontier Service, 1833-1848, published in a military journal in the early 1900's. • My books: • https://bookshop.org/shop/seminolewar • And many of the other books that I show on my videos; either historic reprints or modern works, are available through the Seminole Wars Foundation www.seminolewars.org • My blog: • https://seminolewar.livejournal.com/