How to Use Preserved Plants to Enhance Your Moss Walls amp Frames
Using Preserved Plants and Foliage to Bring Real Life into your Moss Walls and Frames. • Enter Our Moss Shop : • Get Your FREE Moss Sample Here : • My KIT Amazon Affiliate Links: • HOT GLUE GUN SMALL VERSION I USE… • • BETTER LARGER VERSION • • GRIPFILL EVOSTICK ADHESIVE • • PICTURE FRAME I USED FOR THIS VIDEO • • MY FAVOURITE BONSAI TOOL KIT • • LONG BLADE SCISSORS • • GET ME ON SOCIAL • TWITTER / companyinterio1 • INSTAGRAM / company.interiors • FACEBOOK • PINTREST • LINKED IN / nickclarkecompanyinteriors • email - [email protected] • In This Video you will learn how to design and amazing moss planter using preserved moss. The Moss used in Ball Moss , Flat Moss and Lichen. The Moss wall requires no maintenance whatsoever. Sustainable sources provide the moss and reindeer moss is a popular product from Scandinavian moss sources. • So you can create your own moss wall and install in your office or home. Interior Designers like to specify moss walls as they create a eco-friendly style to their interior home décor. • In This Video you will learn what types of preserved moss you use to make a moss wall feature.The Moss used in Ball Moss , Flat Moss and Lichen. The Moss wall requires no maintenance whatsoever. Sustainable sources provide the moss and reindeer moss is a popular product from Scandinavian moss sources. • So you can create your own moss wall and install in your office or home. Interior Designers like to specify moss walls as they create a eco-friendly style to their interior home décor. • In This Video you will learn what types of preserved moss you use to cover a plant pot in a Japanese Kokedama Bonsai Style. The Moss used in Flat Moss or Lichen. The Preserved Moss requires no maintenance whatsoever. • So you can create your own moss plant pot and install in your office or home. Interior Designers like to specify moss walls as they create a eco-friendly style to their interior home décor. • #moss #kokedamastyle #mosspots #preservedmoss #mossproducts #mossdesignideas • In This Video you will learn how to use your moss wall art to build a moss wall using preserved moss. The Moss used in Ball Moss , Flat Moss and Lichen. The Moss wall requires no maintenance. These Pre-Made Panels Make is Easy and Quick to Build an Amazing Moss Wal. • So you can create your own moss wall and install in your office or home. Interior Designers like to specify moss walls as they create a eco-friendly style to their interior home décor. • In This Video you will learn how to use your moss wall art to build a moss wall using preserved moss. The Moss used in Ball Moss , Flat Moss and Lichen. The Moss wall requires no maintenance. These Pre-Made Panels Make is Easy and Quick to Build an Amazing Moss Wal. • So you can create your own moss wall and install in your office or home. Interior Designers like to specify moss walls as they create a eco-friendly style to their interior home décor. • #mosswalls #mosspanels #mossframes #moss • In This video we show you how and where to use moss panels as beneficial acoustic absorption products. Due to their natural dense texture they are ideal products to be specified on music rooms, office interiors and hotel receptions. Anywhere that you find hard surfaces where sound vibrates could use one of these frames or walls made from preserved mosses.