Green Coffee Grows on a White Oak Tree 11122 double C tuning


Good morning, from our front porch in beautiful downtown New Bern! Today’s dollop of #banjoy is a request from Ken Hess, here in New Bern. He asked if I know how to play “Coffee Grows on a White Oak Tree,”one of his mother’s favorite songs. I was not familiar with it, and started searching. I found out that some people call it “Green Coffee Grows on a White Oak Tree,” and found a recording by Jill Trinka ad a starting point. Here it is, played in double C tuning on the QEII. It was a fun one to learn—thanks for the suggestion, Ken! 😄Take care of each other, be kind, and hug your babies tight. ❤️ #georgesporch #greencoffeegrowsonawhiteoaktree #coffeegrowsonawhiteoaktree (1-11-22)


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