Trump Mocks Biden After Putin Hits US With Sanctions


Donald Trump has clearly picked a side in the Russia / Ukraine fight, and he appears to be squarely on Russia's side. When Russia decided to slap sanctions against the Biden administration this week, Trump openly mocked the administration and said that maybe this will reveal the corruption and scandals from Biden's team. Not only does that not make any sense, but it shows that Trump is HOPING that the US fails, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains. • Link - • Become a member today!:    / @theringoffire   • Support us by becoming a monthly patron on Patreon, and help keep progressive media alive!:   / theringoffire   • Find our merchandise at Teespring: • Spread the word! LIKE and SHARE this video or leave a comment to help direct attention to the stories that matter. And SUBSCRIBE to stay connected with Ring of Fire's video content! • Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel:    / theringoffire   • Be sociable! Follow us on: • Facebook:   / ringoffireradio   • Twitter:   / ringoffireradio   • Google+: • Instagram:   / ringoffirenetwork   • Follow more of our stories at • Subscribe to our podcast: • *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. • So Russia this week decided they were gonna put sanctions on Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton and a couple other prominent Democrats here in the United States, you know, to, to get back at 'em really fight back hard because the sanctions that, of course the United States has put on Russia that are really crippling their economy. And rather than take the side of the US government, Donald Trump decided to come out and openly mock Joe Biden for getting hit with these sanctions from Putin. And he had to release a statement via Twitter via his spokesperson, Liz Harrington, I guess it wasn't important enough to go put on truth social. So he had to try to get it on Twitter anyway possible. So another vote of confidence right there for truth social, if you're still trying to use that, but here is what Donald Trump said in his statement. • Russia just sanctioned Joe Biden. While that is a terrible thing in so many ways, perhaps it will now he explained why the Biden family received three and a half million dollars from the very wealthy former mayor of Moscow's wife. During our presidential debate moderator Chris Wallace, then of Fox news, would not let me ask that question. He said it was inappropriate. Perhap that, perhaps that's why Biden has been so slow on the draw the with Russia. Hmm. He wouldn't let you ask that question because the information regarding it are actually readily available and it's not as scandalous as you may think. You know, we can disagree on the ethics of it all day long, absolutely. But, uh, there's nothing scandalous it. Not to mention the fact that you barely condemned their actions here. So the big question of course is, well, what exactly are the actions? • What are these sanctions? We'll buckle up folks, because it's about to get rocky, right? Biden, members of his administration and of course Hillary Clinton, because Putin just apparently hates her, threw her into the mix too and said, guess what, you can't travel to Russia now. You're banned from our country. And if you have money over here, we're freezing those assets. So of course Jen Psaki came out in a press conference on Tuesday and was like, yeah, this literally doesn't affect any of us in any way. None of us have any holdings over in Russia. We don't have any money over there. First of all, like why would we? Like, that's not where you go when you want to invest your money. That's where you go when you wanna hide your money. And these people have no reason to hide it. And I'm sorry for laughing so much, but it is so incredibly laughably stupid what the Russian government is doing. And then Psaki also explained like, yeah, none of us have any plans to go spend Spring Break over in Moscow. • So I think we're okay. Um, so Psaki of course handled it beautifully, as she usually does with dealing with the hecklers in her audience. So she, you know, I thought that was pretty good. Like yeah, we're, we're not going there, so oh no, we can't go to Russia right now. Again, these sanctions are meaningless, but the fact that Donald Trump came out and gloated and was like, oh, maybe now we're gonna find out the truth. No, you know what? See Donald, you're still a very influential figure here at the United States. Hillary Clinton actually is not. But she got thrown into the sanctions too. Now I wonder why they wouldn't include you. Hmm. If you ask me that is the $10 million question of the day. Why go after all these people.


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