Probity and its principles
The...Probity means the quality of having strong moral principles – in short, acting ethically and fairly. Demonstrating high standards of probity is essential to public confidence in our public services. • In procurement, we need to make sure all suppliers and providers have a fair opportunity, and that the process is transparent, accountable, impartial and deals with IAS current affairs. ................Considering the latest pattern of general studies exam of UPSC, it is important to prepare thoroughly for the current affairs. You need to remember and write important terms in the exam. These videos will build your perspective on divergent issues. From prelims to interview, these videos will increase you understanding and presentation. Subscribe the channel and find more than 1000 videos for IAS preparation. • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Please watch: What is Bhima koregaon issue? | Current Affairs-6th Class • • What is Bhima koregaon issue? | Curre... • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~