Philadelphia Union Goalkeeper Holden Trent Dies at 25


The Philadelphia Union are heartbroken to announce the passing of Holden Trent at the young age of 25. This video delves into the life of a promising talent who recently graduated and showcased immense potential as a player. Join us as we honor Trent's legacy, reflect on his journey, and share the heartfelt grief expressed by the MLS and Philadelphia Union community. Our thoughts and deepest condolences go out to Holden's family and friends during this difficult time. • Please like and share this video to spread the message of support and remembrance. • #HoldenTrent #PhiladelphiaUnion #SoccerCommunity #MLS #InMemoriam #GoneTooSoon • OUTLINE: • 00:00:00 Philadelphia Union Goalkeeper Holden Trent Dies at 25


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