THE PROCESS OF SALVATION Understanding Justification Sanctification amp Glorification
If you've ever asked yourself questions like: Am I supposed to never sin again once I get saved? Or beforeI get saved, do you have to be perfect before God will accept me? Or Will I ever not deal with the struggle of sin? then you need to learn the PROCESS of salvation that a Christian walks through by understanding justification, sanctification, and glorification. • These may sound like some really big theological terms, but Ronnie and Mel will break them down easily so you can understand them for yourself. • In short, justification is what Jesus did on the cross that saves us from our sins and justifies us before God. Sanctification is the process we say yes to the rest of our life as we are conformed into the image of Christ everyday by the Bible and the Holy Spirit. And glorification is when we will finally be delivered from these bodies of sin and be resurrected with God forever. Romans 3-8 explains this process the best if you want to find it in the Scriptures. • So hopefully understanding this process helps you view God rightly, yourself, and others as we cheer each other on in the Christian journey. • / / ABOUT US • We are Ronnie and Mel on this channel we help YOU find God walk with Jesus in your everyday lives! • So check out our other videos subscribe here: • We post new videos every week! • You can also visit us on our website, RONNIEANDMEL.COM • or find us on social at @RonnieandMel! • or at our Christian Clothing Store @markd_collective • Keep going for it we will talk soon! • • / / Additional LINKS • To give a tax-deductible donation to our ministry so we can continue helping people find grow in God, click here: • To be MARKD by God with our Christian Clothing Brand, check out • For your FREE Bible for Beginners Guide , click here: • To get our Prayer Pack, full of our favorite tools, click here: • To get our Success in Singleness Guide, click here: • If you are a new believer and want to know how to follow God, go to • If you are struggling and may need help from a Christian Counselor, click here for more information from our counseling sponsor: • To see all our favorite books resources on different topics, click here: • • / / DISCLAIMER • Any links to our favorite resources help support our non-profit ministry with a small commission at no additional cost to you and allows us to make more free content to change peoples lives for Christ. • Also, any resource recommendation is not an endorsement or agreement with any person or their ministry. It is just simply a resource that we personally found helpful. • Also, any information given in this video is just that, for informational purposes. We are not ordained pastors/licensed professionals, and are not meant to be your spiritual authority or a replacement for pastoral leadership and participation in the Church Body. We encourage everyone to be a part of the local Christian Church in your area and be under their spiritual covering. Or if you need deeper care, we encourage you to find a licensed Christian Counselor who can help you walk into freedom in Christ, either locally or through our counseling sponsor here: ! In the meantime, we just hope to be a brother, sister, and friends along the way and give you some tools and encouragement as you grow in God. • Love Blessings, Ronnie and Mel • Musicbed SyncID: MB01E4BPPJ1UUVM