LIVE Twilight Masquerade Battles Giveaway
Hey CREW! Are you ready for MORE Twilight Masquerade!? 'Cause we're back for my next go with this great Pokémon set where I'll be opening up another booster box (two half-booster boxes)?! When these arrived, one had a decent tear on the side, while the other one was basically COMPLETELY sliced open/massacred on the same side as well. That set off my uh-oh alarms in my brain. So.... I've already opened up both boxes on camera away from stream and investigated each pack without opening, and they all looked legit. BUT, I won't know without 100% certainty until I open these up with you all to see if they have/haven't been truly tampered with. • These were ordered off of Amazon UK (before @PokeRev 's video, I swear) and I waited a bit for these to show up and they did the other day. This wasn't meant to be for today's stream, but because of the sketchy nature these booster boxes arrived in, I wanted to open them up much sooner to verify their authenticity. Therefore, the original plan with the new tins will be next weekend instead. ;) • I'm STILL aiming for the Greninja OR the Perrin SIR, but would of course be happy with the Ursaluna or the Kieran as well. Still not crazy about the Ogerpon SIRs , so would like that energy to go toward maybe the Eevee art rare instead... XD Let me know in chat or in comments what BANGERS you've managed to pull from Twilight Masquerade!! I'd be curious to also know in the comments after today's stream what product you've had the best luck with?! • Once again a special thank you to all members of the CREW!! If you are a member, be sure to check the community tab for when I send out the invite link for the members-only Discord. Please don't share that link! • WARM UP: Today's warm-up will likely be an older two-pack mini tin for myself. Think Sword Shield era. • For the pack battles today, I'll be using Nightbot to pick names for each pack battle. Those people MUST be present in-stream. Since I need to sub out pretty much everything, I'll be doing my usual thing of subbing in some extra hits. The extra hits will be a mix of ex, full arts, vstars, trainer galleries, v's, radiants, etc... • *END OF STREAM GIVEAWAY* • • The end-of-stream giveaway will be a special Cactus Pack with a bunch of extra hits, sticker, and a magnet OR the winner (if present) will get the option to switch to a MYSTERY CARD instead (but they'd have to be present). However, as a reminder, this is the ONLY giveaway that you do NOT have to be present in-stream for today. All entries will be put onto a Wheel-of-Names at the end. The Cactus Pack cards will be revealed but the mystery card will not be... ;D • *P.S.* Thank you all for your continued support and a special thanks to any and all that donate. I know times continue to be tough for many of us out there, so your financial support really helps me continue to improve myself, the channel, and to offer more things out to fans. • *Monetization has been activated on the channel. Your help, enthusiasm, and general support made it possible. As always, thanks for being part of the CREW. :) • ----------------------------------------------------------------------- • Future RIP n' SHIP + Giveaway Channel for Pokémon • *SOCIAL MEDIA EMAIL CONTACT INFO* • Link: • *Support Stream* • • *DISCORD* • Check the Community Tab (Members ONLY) - • *REFERRRAL LINKS (IF YOU USE, CREDIT GOES TO THE CHANNEL)* • *VAULTX 10% OFF CODE:* • Use code CACTUSVX for 10% off on OR • *STICKERMULE LINK (SIGN-UP FOR $10 CREDIT)* • • *ADDRESS:* • Crazy Cactus Entertainment LLC • PO Box 62603 • Fort Myers, FL 33906 • Please be courteous and respectful in stream. Spamming in the chat will *not* be tolerated. • As always, thank you to any of you that like and subscribe to the channel!! • #pokemon #pokemoncards #newpokemon #pokemoncardopening #pokémoncardopening #pokemongiveaway #pokemonscarletandviolet #pokemonboosterbox #twilightmasquerade