How to Clean Your Engine Safely
Clean your engine safely! Keep crud from accumulating on your engine while basically eliminating the risks involved. As a bonus, have an engine you are proud to look at. There are a lot of videos on YT covering this, most of which I would never actually try on my car. I am focusing on doing it safely to eliminate the possibility of having issues. Even though my engine doesn’t look bad I like to clean it once or twice a year to keep it from getting bad in the first place. • Just like there is a right tool for every job, there is also a right chemical for every cleaning effort. I used a mild cleaner because my engine wasn’t bad. If your engine is much worse than this, the cleaner I used (Gunk Foamy) will not be enough. A little bit of research goes a long way! • → Gunk Foamy Cleaner: (affiliate link) • → Gunk Engine Protector: (affiliate link) • _____________________________________________________________________________________ • →→Check out my MERCH! →→ • →→ This is my personally curated list of fantastic car products. Many of these you can see in my YouTube videos. Be sure to read the comments to see why they made the list! • • _____________________________________________________________________________________ • → Consider subscribing: / @akqjtn • → Instagram: / boostandshutter • → Facebook: / boostandshutter • → Twitter: / boostshutter • _____________________________________________________________________________________ • CURRENT GEAR I’M SHOOTING ON • Canon M50: (main camera, really a gem…) • Hero 7 Black: (action camera) • Suction Mount: (for the inside car shots) • Lighting: (this is the secret to good shots) • Audio: (cheap, but indispensable) • _____________________________________________________________________________________ • Links above may be affiliate. Using these links costs nothing more to you. I will always provide my honest opinion about the products I use and acknowledge any sponsor. • Thanks for Watching!