Прохождение Игры Богатыри Добрыня Никитич и Змей Горыныч МультикИгра Подборка ПК Игры

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=YGHTXPMTM5I

Walkthrough. Bogatyrs. Dobrynya Nikitich Zmey Gorynych. Game-Cartoon. Collection. PC Games. • Link to the video:    • Прохождение Игры. Богатыри. Добрыня Н...   • Direct link to the game: https://igromagnit.net/adventure/4729... • About the game: A cult story that every Slavic person knows about since childhood. Ancient epics first migrated to literary works, then-in cartoons, and now we can see one of the favorite fairy tales of childhood, Dobrynya Nikitich and Serpent Gorynych, already on the computer! • The game will immerse you in a fantastic world based on a beautiful cartoon in which a seasoned hero Dobrynya Nikitich with his faithful assistant Elisha go to meet adventures full of danger. Serpent Gorynych kidnapped the niece of the Kievan Prince, hiding her in his safe basement, and the main characters were instructed to rescue the imprisoned beauty from the possessions of the three-headed serpent. While wandering the colorful world waiting for you dozens of ferocious robbers, amazing creatures, ready to come to your aid or to hinder the fulfillment of duty, dangerous and unexpected moments, and lots of detailed characters with their own character and temperament, many of whom you'll remember after watching the cartoon, but the game also got an equally bright personalities, which you haven't heard. • Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych also boasts modern graphics, nice animation and music that sets a sense of rhythm. • If you want to play - go to the direct link to the game! • Controls: mouse, keyboard.


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