TF2 Pyro Best Loadout TF2 Best Loadouts 3
We take a look at the best loadout for Pyro in TF2: What this loadout's weapons' strengths are - and how to play to those strengths - and what the weaknesses are and how to minimise their impact. • Earlier episodes: • TF2: Best Loadouts! • Pyro is best played as an assassin class - in my opinion - and this weapon loadout reflects that. Unless you're playing in an organised team, e.g. a Highlander team, then Pyro works well as a close range aggressor and part-time flanker. You want to take as many 1vs1 fights as you can, and the loadout discussed in this video will definitely enable you to do that • I love feedback, good and bad, so please let me know what you think! • Intro/outro music: KD Knows My Name - Naive • My Twitch: • / casperrtf • My Twitter: • / casperrtf2 • Steam Group: •