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The bible records that king Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the ancient empire of Babylon, had been given a vision of a giant image of a statue of a man with a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron and feet and toes of part iron and part clay. No one could interpret it for the king, but Daniel was given a divine interpretation from God of the image. It represented the four great empires that would rule the world fallowing the fall of Babylon ruled by Nebuchadnezzar in the days of Daniel. This remarkable vision has proved to be 100 percent accurate in history as each kingdom followed the previous exactly as the bible said it would from Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Years later, toward the end of the 70 year captivity of the Jews by the Babylonians, the bible records in chapter 7 of Daniel that Daniel was given a parallel vision of these four great world empires that Nebuchadnezzar saw a vision of. This additional vision of Daniel of these empires was from the view of God himself. This time, the vision of these empires was from their true nature and their spiritual qualities and not solely from their political, economic and military aspects. This time, the vision given was of vicious animals with an aggressive characteristic. • Remarkably, these visions proved to be accurate and the last part of Nebuchadnezzar's and Daniel's vision has yet to be fulfilled, but will be during the end times. Incredibly, we are now beginning to see the last part of these two visions coming to pass indicating that we are now quickly approaching the end times, a period of a seven year global judgment that will strike the earth that the bible calls the great tribulation period. I've included some links below to some remarkable additional information concerning this dream of Nebuchadnezzar's statue that speaks of the final beast kingdom/empire that will have supernatural demonic manifestations as it rises onto the world stage. Incredibly, we are now beginning to see these manifestations in our current day and time as this final empire rises and we approach the end. • Note: The additional information concerning Nebuchadnezzar's statue can be seen in the part 3 link below, but it is strongly urged and recommended that the first two be watched first in order to gain a fuller understanding and base of what is said in part 3. Also included below is a link to a message regarding a mysterious city named Mystery Babylon from Revelation 17 and is destroyed in Revelation 18. This city is important to understand regarding the formation of the final kingdom on earth as represented in the feet of clay of the statue vision of the book of Daniel. • MYSTERY BABYLON •    • Video   • THE ALBERINO ANALYSIS: LAND OF THE PLUMED SERPENT - WHAT'S IN A NAME? (part 1 of 4) •    • The Alberino Analysis - Land of the P...   • THE ALBERINO ANALYSIS: LAND OF THE PLUMED SERPENT - SONS OF THE DRAGON (part 2 of 4) •    • Video   • THE ALBERINO ANALYSIS: LAND OF THE PLUMED SERPENT - EXILES OF ATLANTIS (part 3 of 4) •    • Video   • THE ALBERINO ANALYSIS: LAND OF THE PLUMED SERPENT - THE NEW ATLANTIS (part 4 of 4) •    • The Alberino Analysis - Land of the P...  


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