Chapter 14 The Millenium Dispensation H


'The Scroll of Time - Or, Epochs and Dispensations of Scripture' by J.A. Savage. • Footnotes: • 0:27:21 The Rev. J. Wilkinson, in the preferace to the third edition of Israel, my Glory , very truthfully remarks: Commentaries and sermons are still too largely characterized by spiritualising all promises made to Israel, and literalising all curses denounced on the same people. This principle is unjust, unscriptural, and misleading. All the promises in the Word of God are made some to Israel, and some to the Gentiles; if the Gentiles take their own and Israel's also, none are left for poor Israel. No wonder so little interest has been manifested in the spiritual welfare of Israel, still 'beloved for the fathers' sake,' when the Gentiles have found only curses under Israel's name as the Jews' portion of the Word of God. The promises that Christ will be 'a light to lighten the Gentiles,' is a portion to the Gentiles and not to the Jews. This is readily admitted. The promise that he will be 'the Glory of His people Israel,' will be fulfilled literally and exclusively in the interest of His ancient people. • 0:59:00 It may be well to notice that the first part of Revelation 21 continues the narration of the events concerning the end of the world from chapter 20 (with which it ought to be connected) down to the last one of all, the creation of a new heaven and a new earth long after the millenium has passed away, and at the end of verse 8 the book of Revelation properly ends. In these eight verses of chapter 21 we see that the holy city, New Jerusalem, will have some special place in connection with the new heaven and new earth. Then from verse 9 to the fifth verse of chapter 22, the Spirit of God take us back to show us the place of glory and power that the same holy Jerusalem will occupy during the millenium. • 1:09:17 Extract from a Speech recently delivered by Lord Wolseley • He saw on all sides great nations arming to the teeth for the coming struggle. Those who studied the map of Europe at the present moment must feel that there was hanging over a war cloud greater than ever hung before, and if that burst, as surely it would, it meant not a contest between two highly trained armies, but a war of devastation, a war of extinction between great nations, the whole of whose population was armed and trained to fight. It was a sad thing to think that at this period of the nineteenth century, notwithstanding all the beneficial result of physical, moral, and philosophical teaching, as far as one could see, the tendency of the time, instead of leading to peace, led to war. It was a strange thing that the older the world became the larger were the sums of money devoted to the purpose of warlike implements, and the greater the portion of the population in every country trained to arms.


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